Is It Time To Replace Your Cabinets?

Are your cabinets outdated and no longer functional for your daily needs? Do you find yourself dreaming of a new kitchen design? If so, it might be time to replace your cabinets! We’ll discuss the signs that indicate it’s time for a cabinet makeover below. When you’re ready for new, custom cabinets in Phoenix, give the experts at Six Points Hardware & Cabinets a call.

You’re Running Out of Storage Space

If you’re constantly struggling to find a spot to store your belongings in your cabinets, then it may be time to consider replacing them. Running out of storage space can be frustrating, but it can also lead to disorganization and clutter. Old cabinets may not be able to accommodate modern storage needs, such as larger appliances or an increased number of items. Replacing your cabinets with newer, more efficient options can provide better storage solutions and improve the overall appearance of your home.

They’re Extremely Damaged

Signs of extreme damage include cracked or broken cabinet doors, warped or rotted wood, and missing hardware. In addition to being unsightly, damaged cabinets can pose a safety risk if they are unstable or have sharp edges. While it may be possible to repair minor damage, extensive damage often requires a complete replacement. This not only improves the aesthetic of your kitchen but also ensures the functionality and safety of your storage space. If you’re unsure if your cabinets are beyond repair, consult a professional to assess the damage and determine the best course of action.

They Are Outdated

Over time, cabinets can become outdated and lose their charm. Cabinets that have been around for years can look dull, worn out, and even damaged, making them less efficient and unsuitable for modern kitchens. If your cabinets have been around since the past century, it’s probably time for an update. Installing new cabinets can transform the look of your kitchen, giving it a fresh and modern feel. New cabinets offer a range of features that can maximize storage and functionality, such as pull-out shelves, roll-out trays, and soft-close doors and drawers.

Custom Cabinets in Phoenix

At Six Points Hardware and Cabinets, our team works closely with our customers to design custom cabinetry that perfectly meets their needs. No matter what room in your home or business you need cabinets for, we can identify the right materials, designs, and colors to ensure it matches your budget and your style. To request more information about new cabinet costs in Phoenix, please give us a call at 602-254-2970 or stop by our showroom to speak with a friendly team member.