Upgrade Your Handles and Knobs With the Latest Trends

Your home’s handles and knobs may seem like minor details, but they possess the power to redefine the aesthetic of any space. If you’re looking for design inspiration, we’ll delve into the latest trends in handles and knobs below. When you’re ready to upgrade your home with modern handles and knobs in Phoenix, give the experts at Six Points Hardware & Cabinets a call.

Gold Finishes

Gold finishes are experiencing a resurgence in popularity when it comes to handles and knobs. This timeless option adds an instant touch of opulence to any room. Whether you prefer the classic, shiny polished gold or the subtler brushed gold, this trend brings a sense of elegance to your interior design. Gold finishes work seamlessly with a wide range of color palettes and styles, from traditional to modern, making them a versatile choice for upgrading your handles and knobs.

Matte Black

This sleek finish stands out from typical metallics, providing contemporary flair to your room. Matte black handles and knobs are not only visually pleasing but also functional, as they are less prone to display fingerprints and smudges than glossy equivalents. This concept is adaptable, matching a variety of design aesthetics ranging from minimalist to industrial to rustic chic.

Geometric Shapes

Geometric shapes, which include hexagons, rectangles, and circles, offer a refreshing departure from conventional designs. Geometric handles and knobs infuse a room with a sense of contemporary style and structured elegance. Their clean lines and symmetrical forms make them ideal for achieving a balanced and visually appealing look.

Handle and Knob Sales in Phoenix

Six Points Hardware & Cabinets sells contemporary and traditional handles and knobs to give your cabinet project a perfectly finished look. Our wide variety of stylish options comes from the esteemed Berenson range of hardware. Our expertise and knowledge in the industry allow us to provide you with outstanding customer service and products through reliability, professionalism, and a dedication to quality. If you’d like our opinion on buying new cabinet knobs or cabinet handles or would like to learn about our inventory, please give us a call at 602-254-2970, or don’t hesitate to stop by our store in Phoenix.